Special issue book

Special issue book

We are pleased to inform that the collection of articles published in the special issue “Salamanders: Distribution, Diversity, and Conservation” edited by Dr. Lunghi is now available as a book. You can download the pdf for free from the link below.

Title: Salamanders: Distribution, Diversity, and Conservation

Editor: Enrico Lunghi

Journal: Animlas

Research Topic: Adaptations to Subterranean Environments

Research Topic: Adaptations to Subterranean Environments

We are pleased to inform that the collection of articles published in the research topic “Adaptations to Subterranean Environments” edited by Dr. Lunghi, Prof. Niemiller and Dr. Bilandzija is now available as ebook. You can download the pdf for free from this link.

We collected 13 papers, 8 research articles and 5 reviewes. Below our editorial.

Title: Adaptations to Subterranean Environments

Editors: Enrico Lunghi, Matthew Niemiller, Helena Bilandzija

Journal: Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution

Special issue book

Special issue book

We are pleased to inform that the collection of articles published in the special issue “Cave Communities: From the Surface Border to the Deep Darkness” edited by Dr. Manenti and Dr. Lunghi is now available as a book. You can download the pdf for free from the link below.

Title: Cave Communities: From the Surface Border to the Deep Darkness

Editors: Raoul Manenti and Enrico Lunghi

Journal: Diversity

New review article published in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society on behaviour of subterranean species

New review article published in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society on behaviour of subterranean species

In this article we performed a review of research papers in which experiments or description of specific behavioural trait were performed in cave species. Data was then analysed to assess the convergent evolution of such behavioral traits, and to infer on the role that behavioural adjustments may have during the colonization of subterranean environments.


Behavioural adjustments enable the colonization of subterranean environments

Authors: Enrico Lunghi , Stefano Mammola, Alejandro Martínez, Thomas Hesselberg

Journal: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

Link to the article Behavioural adjustments enable the colonization of subterranean environments